
Explore The Netherlands

Netherlands Placeholder


Destinations & Activities






Netherlands Facts

Currency: Euro (exchange rate)


Language: Dutch


Population: 17 million


Fun fact: More than 25% of the Netherlands is below sea level.


Basic phrases:

  1. Hi: Hallo
  2. Bye: Tot ziens (toht zeens)
  3. Please: Alstublieft (ahlst-ew-bleeft)
  4. Thank you: Dank u wel (dahnk-ew-vehl)
  5. Yes: Ja (yah)
  6. No: Nee (nay)
  7. I’m sorry: Sorry (saw-ree)
  8. Excuse me: Pardon (pahr-dohn)
  9. Where’s the bathroom?: Waar is het toilet? (vaar is het tvaa-let)
  10. Do you speak English?: Spreek je Engels? (sprayk yuh ehng-uhls)


Netherlands Posts:

Take note: EF Ultimate Break, formally EF College Break, rebranded after my trip in October 2017 (to appeal more to non-college aged
Amsterdam is a city that is highly romanticized by the entire world; it is a beautiful specimen, for sure, which